Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access

The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee is responsible for assessing the needs of underserved students and the educational professionals who guide them in and through the college process. IDEA strives to heighten awareness, consciousness, and sensitivity to the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion as they pertain to secondary and post-secondary access. The committee's success will be demonstrated by: 

  • Developing and implementing educational programs for all professionals working with students
  • Making quality college enrollment advising and information available to all students
  • Recognizing students who overcome significant obstacles to meet their post-secondary education goals
  • Ensuring that new and middle-level professionals who support underserved students are provided professional growth and development opportunities needed to advance in the profession
  • Ensuring that we remain abreast of the changing US demographics and the implications for the students we all serve
  • Establishing and maintaining intentional opportunities needed to advance those in our profession who serve historically underrepresented students

Events and Programs:

  • Diversity Peer Educator Program - offers TACAC members of many academic disciplines, cultures, backgrounds, and interests an increased leadership credential in multicultural counseling.
  • Safe Spaces Project - provide our membership an opportunity to share community through a specific theme each month. Questions will lead the conversation, but this will be a time for members to share and reflect with confidentiality.
  • Special Interest Groups are designed to enrich TACAC members’ experiences by providing smaller communities in which members can network and interact among others with similar interests.


Co-Chairs: Destiny Jones & Mickey Saloma

Get Involved:

Any active TACAC member wanting to serve on a TACAC committee, please complete a committee volunteer application.