Put a Bow on 2018: Share Your Favorite Memory of the Year
By: Tyler Hicks
‘Twas the week before Christmas
And all through the state
The seniors were stirring
Hoping next year is great
The counselors crafted letters
To the schools their student wants
And for their star pupils
They’ll brave Naviance
Admission reps smiled
As they sent off more letters
Knowing this great news
Would make the holidays better
And as the jolly man flew his sleigh overhead
Students, counselors and reps went straight to bed
Another year has come and gone, colleagues—a year full of memories with friends old and new. No matter what holiday you celebrate, the end of the year is the perfect time to rest and reflect on all you have accomplished.
Maybe you have a new favorite road memory, or a new favorite story with one of your students. This year, I was lucky enough to make new friends with colleagues across Texas—hard-working professionals who love what they do. As a college fair in September, I sat next to friends from Oregon, New York, Massachusetts and Oklahoma. A bevy of college counselors joined us, and while we swapped stories, tips, tricks and tidbits, the thing I remember most is the laughter. For thirty minutes before a fair, new friends from four corners of the country gathered in the Lone Star State, and laughed. To be honest, I barely remember the details of that discussion. Jokes were made, to be sure, but I can’t recall by whom. All I know is that I entered the college fair even happier than I was when I pulled into the parking lot, because some new colleagues shared part of their evening with me. Earlier this week, I walked into my office to discover one of the colleagues had sent me a Christmas card. The card, a photo of her with her husband and two kids, shared more about their year. I remember the booming laughter that filled the dining hall in that high school cafeteria in September, and I felt thankful for having tremendous colleagues to share laughs, stories and our profession.
That simple task of sharing is a big part of what the holiday season is all about. That’s why I’m calling upon you to share your favorite story of 2018 with your TACAC colleagues. Was it a pre-college fair dinner? An interaction with one of your students or fellow counselors? Whatever it may be, I want to hear about it. I took the first step by sharing my favorite story (and my clearly flawless riff on “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”) so now, it’s your turn. Comment with your favorite story of 2018, or share this blog on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with a little story about what or who made your year special.
Above all else, don’t forget to share the joy of the holiday season with the colleagues, friends and family you hold dear. Here’s to an even better 2019!