ACCI Needs You!

So many of us in this profession can remember our first days as a college admission counselor, or as a high school counselor. Were you nervous to speak in front of others? Did you look at a high school calendar, and think - how do I plan events for parents and students? Did you go to your first college fair and look around, thinking, "how do so many of these college reps know each other?" 

If you know the answers to these questions, we need YOU to apply to be a Curriculum Chair at ACCI! 

"After attending the Rice Conference in 1999, admissions went from a job to a profession and I began looking for new ways to grow and give back. Being ACCI Co-Chair has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. In addition to it being tremendous to network with some of the most sage professionals from both sides of the desk, you also get to help mold the next generation of leaders in our profession." - Mickey Saloma, ACCI Chair and TACAC President 

The Admission and College Counseling Institute (ACCI) leadership team is seeking Curriculum Chairs for the institute for a three-year term from 2020-2023. Desired are professionals with expertise in the following areas:

• Event Planning • Professional Development • Mentoring • Effective Social Media Use • Budget and Team Management
• Relationship Development with Campus Stakeholders • Problem Solving 

The Curriculum Chair position will require a commitment to a three-year term, and will also require that the new Curriculum Chairs will shadow the outgoing Curriculum Chairs at ACCI 2019, which will be held at Baylor University on July 15th, 2019 - July 18th, 2019.

 If you are interested in leading the event for the three-year term, please complete an online application by November 2nd, 2018


Please contact: Kelly Tallerine - ACCI Chair Mickey Saloma, Joseph Miller, and Tommy Newton - ACCI Curriculum Co-Chairs

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