We Want You for the TACAC Executive Board!

 Image result for we want you memeTACAC needs you to help us further the mission of developing professionals committed to providing the highest quality counseling to ensure students' access to and persistence through post-secondary education. In order to best serve our members, the Executive Board needs a variety of experiences, backgrounds, and expertise.

Please consider submitting a nomination/application for one of the following Executive Board/Committee Chair positions:

  • Advancement Co-Chairs (2)
  • College Fair Co-Chairs (2)
  • Government Relations Co-Chair (1)
  • Inclusion, Access, and Success Co-Chair (1)

The following are guidelines for all association members chairing any association committee. We strive for excellence in the leadership and management of all standing, advisory, and ad hoc committees. As a volunteer, you play a major role in making Texas ACAC’s governance effective and productive.

Offer your Experience and Expertise

Committee chairs selected offer Texas ACAC their experience and expertise. This will help develop and shape the future of Texas ACAC’s policies, practices, publications and general activities. We depend on you to share your ideas and implement them through your committee service. Chairs are expected to set committee goals, development strategies to implement programs and plans, meet deadlines, and communicate responsibilities to chair members (just to name a few).

Be Committed to Serve

Leadership in the Texas Association for College Admission Counseling (TACAC) requires commitment and support from each member of the Executive Board and his/her institution. That support must include a willingness to give of one’s time, talents, and financial resources. In most cases, the member’s home institution provides financial resources and permits time away from professional responsibilities to participate on the Executive Board and its sub-committees. Agreeing to chair a committee involves making a commitment to fully participate in the work of the committee. Chairs will be asked to prepare ideas in advance of the meetings, be prepared to actively participate in the meetings, and to be present at all meetings. Meetings are held during June, in the fall at the national conference, in January for the winter board retreat, and in April during the spring conference. Chairs are expected to provide monthly updates to the designated member of the Presidents’ Council.

Service Will Be Year-Round 

Committee chairs may be asked to work on projects throughout the year, review materials, offer opinions or monitor professional concerns. Thus, service on a committee extends beyond coming to a committee meeting.

Maintain TACAC Membership

Committee chairs must maintain their active membership throughout their three-year term of appointment. Committee chairs are also strongly encouraged to be a member of NACAC.

To learn more about service on the Executive Board and responsibilities of the specific committee chair positions, please see the Association Responsibilities and Procedures on the TACAC website.

Applications are due by Monday, March 4, 2019 at 5:00 PM CST.  You can submit an application here. 

Please contact Micah Lyles, TACAC President-Elect with questions. 


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